Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Broken Mirrors

A broken mirror can be put back together
It will take a lot of time
But it can be put back together.
You will need a ton of patience
to be able to put it back together.
It’s going to take some nurturing
To be able to put it back together.
Though some pieces may be gone for good
It still can be put back together.
Once it’s reassembled, it will never be the same again.
When you look at it, you’ll see all the cracks and missing pieces.
Something that once showed you beautiful,
Will constantly remind you of ugly.
Something that once told you the truth
Will constantly tell you lies.
Looking down at these broken mirrors
I have to ask myself,
Do I have the time to put it back together?
Do I have the patience to put it back together?
Do I have the nurturing soul, to put it back together?
And even if I succeed in putting it back together;
Do I want to constantly be reminded of ugly?

Do I want to constantly be told lies?

Monday, December 3, 2012


I managed to climb Everest
As crazy as it may seem I really did.
I won’t lie it was one of the toughest & hardest things to do
But I was convinced that I needed to; that I had no choice.
Halfway up the Everest I paused,
And wondered why I decided to put myself through this torture
And then I remembered.
The main reason for climbing Everest
Was to stand up there at the top,
Spread my arms wide and let the wind blow against me,
Scream at the top of my lungs to let it all out,
Close my eyes and move towards the edge,
And just let myself drop into the arms of gravity.
Just as gravity was about to pull me to its embrace,
I felt a force that worked against gravity.
There was something wrong here;
I was supposed to fall off Everest into the arms of gravity,
That was the plan!
Instead, I was being pulled away from gravity.
I wanted to open my eyes to see what was going on, but I wouldn’t dare.
I felt so much warmth like a tight embrace
And I thought to myself; that’s weird,
How could it be this warm up here, where it’s supposed to be freezing cold?
I was enjoying this warmth but was scared to open my eyes.
I had no idea what pulled me from the grip of gravity
I had no idea what embraced me with so much warmth
Would they disappear if I opened my eyes?
I was scared to but I opened my eyes anyway.
To my surprise, it was you.
You had been there all along.
You climbed Everest with me and I didn’t notice.
You were there every rocky climb of the way and I still didn’t notice.
You noticed that gravity was urging me on to join him beneath the Everest,
But I still never noticed you there.
You were very warm when it was freezing at the top of the Everest,
But I never noticed you.
When I opened my eyes, I noticed it was you,
I noticed that it has always been you.
Suddenly the top of the Everest was as beautiful as it was supposed to be.
Everything beneath and above me looked even lovelier.
I found all I had been searching for in you
At the top of the Everest.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I fell from cloud nine
But landed on butterflies
As I fell from a cloud so high
I didn’t know that this heart of mine
Was steel enough to remain
They say your life flashes before your eyes
Just before you die
Well mine did as I fell through the skies
I knew that when I hit the ground
Everything I held in esteem
Will yet be nothing but memory
Flashes of laughter, sorrow, deceit,
Forgiveness, love, hate, happiness, regret
Sang their hymns through my thoughts
I felt myself anger and love all together
The two extremes of life join hands in one fall
This fall promises to be my end!
Suddenly I was awaken by different thought
just as positive strikes out negative
I was reminded of hope.
As I reached cloud number five, four more till I’m done,
I begun to erase the sorrows with laughter,
The deceit with forgiveness,
The regret with second chances
And finally my hate was erased with love
love as beautiful as butterflies.
The fall moved my heart to race
A race which caused it to survive the marathon
So now I can boldly say
I did fall from cloud nine
Indeed it was a great fall
But yet still, I rise!
I rise on the wings of butterflies.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hurt and Heal

If Love has ever told you a lie,
You will be scared to listen to its tail ever again.
If Love has ever stabbed you in the back
You will be scared to remain trusting to Love
If Love has ever killed you
You will be scared to come back to life in a world with Love
If Love played the role of Judas in your life
Then a kiss to you will be synonymous with a bite from a snake
But if Love has ever made you smile
Then it doesn’t matter that it made you cry
If Love has healed your wounds before
Then it doesn’t matter that it stuck a knife right through you
If Love was once a best friend
Then it doesn’t matter that it now rages war against you
If Love kept you alive
Then it doesn’t matter that it took away your heart
And made you breath your last
If Love heals
Then let it continue to hurt!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"You are what you repeatedly do"

A wise man once told me; “You are what you repeatedly do”.
I never really understood this statement at first until now.
He made me see my life as a dark room,
and it was my choice to switch on the lights or keep it dark.
The thing about this dark room is that I’m never the only person in it;
there’re so many other people there with me all the time and I just don’t realize it.
Therefore, my decision to turn on the lights or keep it off affects others as well.
This wise man referenced to the fact that, though I may tend to have many dark days,
There were days that I had the lights shinning so bright in my room that I could hardly keep my eyes open.

He then asked me, “Why do you chose to forget those days?”
My answer, “I don’t know”.

He asked again, “Why chose to turn the lights off when people need it the most?”
My answer, “I guess I couldn’t see past my thirst to remain in the dark”.

Then he continued to say, “Do you realize that once you chose to keep your room dark, you will be attributed with darkness, since you are in actual fact what you repeatedly do?”
My answer, ***Silence***
My thoughts, “It’s really true, I am gradually becoming what I repeatedly do”

At that moment, I begun to think of all the people that needed light each day and all I did was lock them up in darkness.
I begun to wonder what kind of a person they actually thought I was, to have kept them constantly in darkness when all they needed was light to brighten up their day.
But then what if I don’t feel like turning the lights on?
Should it matter what the other people in the room think?
After all I call the shots cause it’s my room right?

As if he could hear my thoughts, the wise man cut in with answers to my questions.
“It’s okay to feel like being in darkness sometimes, but once you make that choice to turn on your lights for those who might need it the most, you make a choice to transition from dark to light. Automatically the burden of darkness will be elevated from your shoulders and the light shinning in your room will lighten your heart. In effect, your act will manifest in your actions, because you really are what you repeatedly do.”

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Drip drip drip

I forgot to turn the tap off all the way.
And now I’m laying in bed hearing water drip from the tap
Separating my thoughts with every drop.
I'm thinking about the impossible;
Standing in the rain without getting wet
Sticking my fingers in fire without getting burned
Standing in front of a moving train without getting smashed
Slicing my hand without feeling any pain
Jumping off a building and landing on my feet

I shut my eyes, hoping that the noise will go away
But the dripping got even louder
All of a sudden I begin to think of the worst
What if the sun never comes up tomorrow?
What if smiles were erased from earth?
What if there’s no “happily  ever after”?
What if my heart is stolen for good?

If I really want to get any sleep,
I’d need to get out of bed and close that tap all the way
But for some reason,
I’m curious to know where the dripping will take my thoughts
Hoping that it gets better with the next couple of drops.

I still hear dripping from the tap
But my mind is blank
I open my eyes and shut it again
This time tighter than the first time
But still no thoughts
I’m thinking I must be doing something wrong at this point.
Or is the dripping so loud that it’s drowning my thoughts now.

It seems like the dripping managed to get rid of it all
It hammered in all the lose screws
It scared away all my scares
And it’s not loud any more
It keeps fading and fading
Now my mind is at peace!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Blow my mind!
Wet my eyes! 
Capture my heart!
Reshape my lips!
Seize my breath!
Reform my world!
Reset my thoughts!
Confirm my dreams!
Steal my intentions!
Shred my emotions!
Archive my wishes!
Teach my ignorance!
Iron my chest!
Multiply my chances!
Imprint my words!
Write my lyrics!
Sing my life!
Fill my vacuum!
Acknowledge my capabilities!
Polish up my flaws!
Ignite my understanding!
Right my wrongs!
Synchronize my movement!
Just listen to my screams!